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Anchored on Bitcoin

Achieving Bitcoin Finality for Surge Network State Transitions

Surge anchors its state transitions directly to Bitcoin, combining zk-proof aggregation, state commitments, and timestamp verification to secure and verify L2 states. By inscribing Merkle roots and aggregated proofs into Bitcoin, Surge inherits Bitcoin’s Proof-of-Work (PoW) security, ensuring that state data is both verifiable and resistant to tampering.

State Commitments and the Commit-Reveal Framework

Surge periodically inscribes the Merkle root of its state and aggregated proofs onto Bitcoin. This is done through a Commit-Reveal Framework, where the final aggregated state data is embedded into a Bitcoin UTXO. Upon confirmation, this transaction verifies that Surge’s state existed at a specific time and has been anchored by Bitcoin’s consensus mechanism. This approach allows for Bitcoin finality, ensuring that once a state is anchored, it benefits from Bitcoin’s computational security.

Timestamp Integrity

By integrating directly with the Bitcoin blockchain, the Surge Network maintains an up-to-date ledger that reflects the most recent confirmed state transitions. Bitcoin’s native timestamping provides verifiable time references, allowing each state commitment to be traced back to its exact inclusion block.

TSS DKLs23-Based Decentralized Bridge and BTC Vault

Using a DKLs23-based decentralized bridge, Surge facilitates tamper-resistant cross-chain transfers. The BTC Vault enables peg-in and peg-out operations that tie Surge’s L2 state changes directly to Bitcoin, preventing double spends and enhancing security.

Benefits of Bitcoin-Anchored State Commitments

  • Inherited PoW Security: By committing state data to Bitcoin, Surge inherits the security of Bitcoin’s PoW consensus, making unauthorized alterations highly improbable.

  • Reorg Resistance: With each new Bitcoin block, the probability of reversing an anchored state decreases exponentially, allowing state transitions to benefit from Bitcoin’s block confirmation depth.

  • Optimized Data Availability: Off-chain data solutions complement Bitcoin’s limited blockspace by only inscribing compact zk-proofs and Merkle roots. This minimizes on-chain footprint while ensuring essential data remains secure and verifiable.

  • Cross-Chain Verifiability: Bitcoin-anchored state commitments facilitate trustless validation of L2 states across other networks, promoting interoperability and enhancing trust in Surge’s Layer 2 solutions.